Friday, September 24, 2010

Hannah’s Street Faire!

Start with an adorable Mitzvah young lady.
 Add well-behaved, hip teenagers and parents who were gracious hosts and guests. Hold at an awesome Laguna Beach venue: Seven Degrees  and serve wonderful food = This was one of my favorite Mitzvahs in a long time.  The guests were grinning ear to ear as they left this party…. I heard more than once, “WOW.  That was awesome!”  

Swell details captured by the one and only Dominick Jr. Photography. Check out the SILVER MAN brought by Stargazer Productions  and the Flip Books by Nowgetflipped.  Greg Rackley from Maximum Impact  and his dancers kept the dance floor  completely full all evening long.  

Too many others to mention.  Can’t give away all my secrets for finding the best vendors in the OC and LA :) But call me and I'll share!  

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